I had some awesome roomiessss :)
[click on the pictures to make them bigger]



and Jen:

One day, I think it was tuesday... there was amazingggg wind! :D it was so awesome

Movie Star Cousins ;)

Me and Amy <3

It's absolutely beautiful at Sandy Cove...

Ell-Bekah and Jenna :)

One day when I was having my quiet time...

This little bunny came like 2ft away from me, i think this happened to a few other people too :)

Rock on Betsy :)

You can tell they're related ;) haha

The games were sooo fun! (except for the amazing race, which killed me... :P)
I didn't get any pictures of the game themselves... cuz i was playing them, but... this is me after i rolled in flour and water hahaa :P it was really gross haha
(pc: Jen)

Me... on thursday morning, tired, burnt and a bit... out of it :P haha

Sarahann... thursday morning, right before we went home :)

I really like this... im not sure why though

Well, that's the end, i loved Worthy and I can't wait 'till next year :D
Allie :D
Yay!! :D <3 ya Allie!
You girlies were awesome roomies...<3
You're about poor Jenna, she had a lot of wet flour on her, she went to throw some trash away, she went to the bag I was holding open and looked miserable. At the egg game, they picked me to be the target/ have eggs duct taped to me. They said Who's dry? Then somebody like Paul's dry! lol Then, there was the people lined up to nail me. At the time, I thought "This is a great lesson in humility" no joking around there
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