A while a go i went and saw Monsters vs. Aliens with them :)
Buuut, we took pictures first... of course!
Meet Sophie
Meet Jenna
Meet me [I think Sophie took this one]
Jenna's glasses are awesome :)
I'm pretty sure this was Jenna's idea...
A white goose, or a swan??
I like the "mood" to this one
Hmm.. which edit?
or that..
Or... if you have a totally different editing idea, let me know ;)
I love this one... it's so cute!
So is this one :D
Sophie and Jenna, I had so much fun with y'all ;)

The End.
Enjoy you're 3day weekend guys!
Allie :)
Yayy u posted it :D
I loved watching that movie!! "Now I have a new girl, and she has 14 little chunks of pineapple." Haha good times.
cool photography, friends are always fun to hang with :)
The pictures are awesome! A new post! YAY!
"no... it's an albino goose..."
Haha! Great times. I still think that it's a swan... though it was cold out. I should send you the pics I got. Only a few turned out good. Like the 'chinese tree' and the goose/swan and I'm sure that there is a few ppl pics that were great!
And about that pic that I looked 'worried' on. It's because there was some guy on another level and he looked scary:)
This is Sophie.
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